Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A Post for My Mom

This is not Crazy Grandma Judi's her daughter, the Dragonfly. She asked me to get her blog here I am. :) I wish I could just sit down with her and help her figure it out herself, but since she's in Michigan and I'm in Germany that's a bit difficult. I don't mind doing all the set up work, though. It's kind of fun picking colors, and finding a picture for the header, and even doing a bit of rambling. I ramble a lot on my blog, and now I can do it on someone else's!!

Mom will tell you about Whiskers, of course, and why the title of the blog is significant...but for now I'll just say that Whiskers was special. And he was a bunny (if you didn't get that from the general theme going on...).

And now no more rambling...back to work for me! :)

1 comment:

crazy grandma judi said...

Hats off to Dragonfly. She did a fantastic job setting up my blog. Thanks sweetie.