Sunday, March 2, 2008

My Guys

I have a fantastic job! I work 8 to 2 Monday thru Thursday. On Friday I work 8-2 at my job and then go and work at another home (ladies) from 2:30-9:30.
I work in an Adult Home for mentally and physically diabled men and women. I am a day programer. I have 3 guys that I get to spend time with everyday. We exercise, paint, play games, do crafts, eat lunch and snack together and go on outings. And they call it a job! I call it fun! My guys are awesome, sweet, cute and I love them and love being able to spend my days with them. Don't get me wrong, it's not all fun and games, we do have our tough times like anyone else. It's just special, if you know what I mean.
Last week I was out with the guys. We had gone to K-Mart to do some shopping. (the guys LOVE to shop) I was putting the lift down for my guy in the wheelchair. A friend came up to me and I couldn't even remember her name because of the look on her face. She said,"what are you doing?" I answered that this was my job now. (horror on her face) " I'm glad you can do it, I couldn't."
I must admit that I am hearing that alot. That it takes 'special' people to do what I do. I consider myself lucky to have this job. Like I said before, my guys are AWESOME! With all the "not so good cards" that have been dealt them, they have such life and enjoy life. They don't ask, why me. They are good people with big hearts. I feel very blessed to be working with these men. They make me feel wonderful, when they are sooo happy to see me. I have one guy that is always saying to me,"I like you I do," as he shyly tilts his head. See how lucky I am!
I have been working for this company for a few years now as a sub. I would go from home to home, which was fun. I met so may people. But then I was offered this full time possition. It was a very hard decision. I would leave all the other homes behind.
Let me back up a bit. I was working full time (3rd shift) at an assisted living/nursing home/hospice. Was called an assisted living establishment but...... I loved the people there but there was way to much drama among the workers and the boss was so not christian and so not nice or good to the people or workers there. So, I quit. Before this job I had taken my CNA class and just need to take my state test. So, I finally got my cna. I can go back to a nursing home or to a hospital and get paid at least 3-4 dollars and hour more, and we could really use the money, but, I just can't give up all that I have with these men and all that they give me, for more money. I believe that God has put me in this place, in this job for a reason. I'd like for him to be in control. He does a much better job then me....for sure!
Oh yes, my hubby told me that if I like what I'm doing, not to worry about the money. Being happy in my job is more important. I think my one and only, true guy, is the best, don't you.
So, the next time you see a group like us out shopping, walking the mall, at the library, just say hi. My guys are friendly and special and will brighten your day with a smile. I'm not special in what I do for a living, I'm just blessed to be working with God's VERY SPECIAL children.


the dragonfly said...

You're lucky to have them...and they're lucky to have you!! I hope the Little Mister and I can meet them this summer. Do they like babies? ;)

Amy Y said...

I agree with your daughter ~ you are lucky to have each other! Thank you for praying for the lil blueberries in my tummy ~ we need all we can get!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog earlier!! I admire so much the work you do. And thanks for the reminder to just say hello when we come across a group of people out for a walk or a day at the zoo or the mall!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad your guys have you!!! I hope I will be able to meet them someday soon.

Helen/Spike and Drusilla OK Citizens said...

How lucky "your guys" are to have you and how lucky you are to be so happy and fulfilled in your job. Life is so short and we spend so much of it working that you are truly blessed to do something you love so much.

Anonymous said...

I think it is wonderful to love your job. And we are all blessed to have you in our lives. Crazy Daughter can't wait to see you in May.